by | Nov 7, 2022 | Blog, Our Thoughts
The cost-of-living crisis and the recession is already considerably affecting consumer behaviour and their specific choice of products, and even retailers. Switching to cheaper alternatives or those that offer better value overall is only going to continue. An...
by Second Administrator | May 4, 2021 | Press
The power of clothes is no news in modern society. Through them we can feel empowered, confident and ready to face the day with optimism. In this context, lingerie also has that power, even when nobody is seeing it. Recent research has found that people can get a...
by Second Administrator | Apr 19, 2021 | Press
Our founder has participated at Shopify Resilient Retail podcast Listen the wonderful insights from our founder and also other UK brands such as Glassworks, Gym+Coffee and Season. You can listen to the whole episode on Spotify
by Second Administrator | Apr 19, 2021 | Press
Heart of the Customer’s Jim Tincher sat down with our founder, Kate Nightingale to discuss the role of emotions in the customer experience. The concept of effortless experience and commitment are only few of the elements touched. To know more, read the full article...
by Second Administrator | Apr 19, 2021 | Press
Retail must be experiential. Stores need to be places where forging relationships take precedence over shifting product. Convenience, discovery and cost are, for the most part, better served online. But how can we reinvent our physical retail stores? According to our...