Psychology of Fringes!

21 October 2015

Kate Nightingale commented for the German magazine Frau Aktuell about what fashion accessories can say about the person who is wearing them. The article was mainly focus on fringed handbags.

Here are some of Kate’s comments:

‘Assuming they really wear fringes because they identify with it and don’t just copy, they spread a certain lightness. They seem open-minded and approachable to us.’

‘Not every person with fringy clothes has the desire to feel free and adventurous.  A lot of people buy levitra online just follow popular styles. When people wear specific clothes, other people copy their style. These people don’t have to be celebs. It can also be someone from within your social group.’

‘We have the desire to return to our roots. Wearing fringes is the wish to be closer to nature and to feel free. People who watched a lot of American Cowboy movies when they were kids, get inspired by the cowboys wearing fringes.’

Aktuel Magazine