by katenightingale | May 26, 2022 | Blog, Events
Brand trust is extremely important. In fact, it is the third most important driver of consumer choice after value and money. Edelman Trust Barometer has now shown that it also ranks higher than brand love! Brand trust drives growth. Consumers who fully trust a brand... by Second Administrator | Feb 23, 2021 | Blog
We have heard this question numerous times in networking events we attended, public speaking engagements our founder Kate Nightingale took part in and many conversations with potential clients we had. We get it! You got used to the fact that you need a... by Second Administrator | Feb 3, 2021 | Events
Over time, consumers’ behaviour has definitely changed and has become more mysterious than ever. Understanding it is fundamental for a business success. Businesses must know how to decipher why consumers behave the way they do and how to create brands winning... by Second Administrator | Jan 6, 2021 | Blog
In the last decades, scholars have researched the nature of emotions and their impact on individuals. From previous studies, it has been shown that human beings are profoundly emotional. In fact, they experience at least one emotion 90% of the time (Trampe et... by Second Administrator | Dec 7, 2020 | Blog
In our last Human Discussions talk, our founder has chatted with our client Jochen Schmidt, Vice President Distribution & Real Estate at Swarovski about how the pandemic is affecting the new role of physical stores. Jochen has been working at Swarovski for more...