Queues. Store ‘bouncers’. Masks. Temperature checks. Stand here. Stand there. Don’t touch anything. Don’t touch me! Oh my!

Ensuring a sense of safety is necessary, agree 100%. However, we must be careful. Designing experiences that make us feel afraid, stressed and out of control may repel customers for good.

So what should retailers be doing instead?

In this talk for the Future of Retail Festival 2020, experts discuss how to tap into psychology to help us (re)design stores that speak to our human needs at a subconscious level. This could be the key to unlocking positive experiences that your customers will love!

The experts explore:

  1. How has the pandemic threatened our human needs? How has this impacted our feelings (e.g., loneliness, nostalgia, etc.) and behaviours?
  2. How can physical retail deliver what we’ve been craving?
  3. What role will trust play?
  4. Can we still have multi-sensory, immersive experiences in a contactless world?

In collaboration with PSFK, our founder, Kate Nightingale contributed to this talk alongside Sandy Hernandez, Ian Johnston and Anthony Tasgal.

PSFK helps brands and retailers build tomorrow’s customer experiences through custom research, trend reports, industry newsletters, consulting: https://www.psfk.com/

To see the talk for the Future of Retail Festival 2020 go to: https://youtu.be/tnuzWvgkung