CrowdDNA – Case Study

17 May 2021
Crowd.DNA is a renowed cultural insights agency with offices in London, Amsterdam, New York, Singapore and Sydney. Their clients include Twitter, IKEA, Asahi, Spotify and Converse, just to name a few.

We have been working with Crowd.DNA on many projects throughout the years. It ranged from 1hr Brain Spark intensive consultations to taking part in in-depth full day long workshops.

We have provided insight on the following subjects:

  • The future of department store design and experience
  • Socialising and going out during and after pandemic
  • Designing retail experience for seasonal product collections
  • Multisensory design of beauty products, its packaging and shelf display

Are you working on your next consumer insights projects? Talk to us to better understand consumer behaviour and what impacts it now and in the future.