Brand Trust Webinar

26 May 2022

Brand trust is extremely important. In fact, it is the third most important driver of consumer choice after value and money. Edelman Trust Barometer has now shown that it also ranks higher than brand love!

Brand trust drives growth.  Consumers who fully trust a brand advocate for it, purchase new products or services and are more willing to share personal data or participate in activities sponsored by the brand.

So, the question now is, do your customers trust you? And do you know how to instil that trust?

To help you, our founder Kate Nightingale will run an online webinar on the matter. She will discuss the importance of creating a strong brand trust and share with you easy to apply tips on how you instil it in your customers.

The event is free and will take place on Thursday 16th of June at 1pm UK time.

Sign up here.